Meet Tyler Woolley – BC Summer Games Para-Equestrian

We would like to introduce to you Tyler Woolley from Brentwood Bay one of this year’s para-equestrian participants in the 2018 BC Summer Games in Cowichan, BC July 19-22.

How long have you been riding?

I have been riding since I was around 7-years-old. That makes it 21 years of riding for me.

How and where did you get involved?
I started riding with VRDA (now VTRA) when I was around five-years-old. I had a nanny who owned a horse and she would take my brother and I with her when she needed to take care of it.  I always liked horses and I wanted to give it a try.  I started out with side walkers and gradually gained lots of confidence and have been riding independently for many years.

Are you associated with one of our BCTRA Group Members or Centres?

I currently ride with Manestream Equestrian.

What are you most looking forward to at the Summer Games?

Having fun and competing with my teammate Queen.  This is my second Summer Games with Queen and I know we will have a great time together.

Tell us about your horse:
Queen is a Belgian Clydesdale. She is 23-years-old. She can be a bit slow and takes some coaching to get moving.  She falls asleep while she is standing waiting things to happen and while we take pictures. Queen and I are a great team.  I really enjoy riding her and I appreciate her patience with me.  She has taught me a lot about what I am able to do.

Who is on your team?

My coach is Stella French.  She has a lot of confidence in my ability and has helped me be the independent rider I am today.  I have been riding with Stella for 10 + years.  I would not be at these games without her. I have been riding with her assistant Kim Scott for many years and Kim has become a very important member of my support team as well.  She is always encouraging and helpful.

My parents Ron and Lois give me lots of support for getting me to my lessons and competitions.  My dad is really good at helping me look my best at show time. My parents and family are my biggest fans! I also have a Physiotherapist (Pam) and Physiatrist (Dr. Winston) who help me to maintain my strength and balance.