2019-20 Board of Director Nominations

Topics: BCTRA

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The BCTRA Nominations Committee is seeking BCTRA members to fill three director positions in the 2019 election. Each position is for a two-year term, commencing after the Annual General Meeting held in mid-June 2019.

We are looking for energic and passionate individuals who are interested in therapeutic riding, para-equestrian development or equine-assisted therapies and activities. Ideally, we are seeking candidates who are both visionaries and executors to help us connect, educate and network across the province.

Upon application candidates must be current BCTRA members. New members are welcome to submit membership with application. All applications must be endorsed with the support of another BCTRA member plus a personal reference. Directors may spend approximately 5-8 hours a month in preparation for, and attendance at, virtual and in-person meetings. The Board conducts 10 monthly meetings per year. Additional time may be required for director development, community events and strategic planning sessions.

Candidate applications will be reviewed by a Board Nominating Committee for consideration and presented to the current Board of Directors for interviews. Nominations open May 1, 2019 at 9am and will close May 17, 2019 at 5pm.

Next Steps

  1. Download the Candidates’ Package, which contains all the information and forms you’ll need to complete your submission.
  2. Carefully read the Candidates’ Package and gather all the required information to complete your submission.
  3. Be aware of all deadlines for submitting documents. Deadlines are fixed and late submissions will not be accepted.
  4. Keep a copy of your forms as you may need to refer to them during the interview and election process.

If you have further questions please do not hesitate to send them to Kelly Parry, Administration and Communications Coordinator at admin@bctherapeuticriding.com.

Download Candidate’s Package here.