BCTRA Annual Update

Topics: BCTRA

2019-20 continued to bring exciting changes to BCTRA as we learn more about the outstanding work that our members do and the challenges they face across the province. We want to applaud their commitment to partnering with horses in all faucets of therapeutic riding, para-athlete development and equine-assisted activities and therapies. As your provincial association, we strive to help you continue your work, even in the face of challenges presented by COVID-19.

Granting Overview

BCTRA has worked hard to create a variety of granting streams to meet our members needs. To date, we have distributed $88,696 to our members to support their programs, initiatives, and horses.

Our 2019-20 Annual Grant Cycle supported 17 Group Members and awarded $31,800 in total to our Group Members ($17,370 for program development and $13,930 for professional development). Our next granting cycle will open September 2020.

In 2019 we created two new granting streams – Equipment Grants and Bursaries – to help fill in the gaps of funding opportunities for our members. We have awarded $1,000 in Equipment Grants and look forward to awarding our first Bursary grant.

We recently awarded $18,400 through our COVID-19 Herd Support Initiative to help care for and support our members horse care needs.


BCTRA is in the process of developing terms of reference and looking for members to support our committees in therapeutic riding, para-athlete development and equine assisted activities and therapies. Our goal is to support our members by sharing research and resources across the province. If you are interested in joining a committee, please send an email to admin@bctherapeuticriding.com.

Summer Games

We were excitedly preparing to celebrate and support our BC Summer Games para-equestrian riders with more promotion and Board participation at the games in Maple Ridge however since the games had to be cancelled, we will plan for an extra effort for 2022. We know that losing the opportunity to participate is a great disappointment for many and we hope those who will attend will be back in the saddle as soon as possible.

Video Competition

BCTRA announced our the first Annual BCTRA Para-Equestrian Video Competition but decided to put the competition on hold due to the requirements for social distancing. We did receive many positive comments on this opportunity and a request to expand it to international participants as well. The Board of Directors will review this project over the coming year to see if it can be implemented.

The Future

As we move through these unprecedented times, we are here to help support our members with our on-going grants and review of the evolving needs of our industry.