BCTRA : Requesting all Grant Reports

Topics: BCTRA

In this time of COVID-19 chaos, you might be losing track of time, so we wanted to remind you of several important year-end wrap-ups. We want to ensure that our BCTRA members can take advantage of all the benefits we have to offer so here is a list of to-dos before the end of the year.

2019/2020 – GRANT REPORTS

DEADLINE: December 31, 2020. If you received funds from BCTRA you must complete a report.
Get your grants reports submitted before the end of the year to be eligible to apply again. Please note that all recipients of grants must submit a report to fulfill grant requirements.

We would also welcome any photos you have to share how BCTRA funding supported your programs and projects. We ask that you send photos of how BCTRA funding has supported your programs and projects. You can send your photos to admin@bctherapeuticriding.com Please note we reserve the right to share your photos on our website, blog, publications, and social media with accompanying credit to you or your organization. To submit your Grant Report, click HERE


DEADLINE: ASAP – Must be submitted prior to applying for other grant opportunities.
If you received a grant or bursary in 2020 but had to reallocate those funds due to Covid-19 requirements, conference cancellations, program changes, or other extenuating circumstances, please submit a Grant Reallocation Reports by December 31, 2020. You can submit your reallocation requests HERE.


DEADLINE: December 31, 2020: Our annual grants are now open. Group Members are eligible to either or both of our two grants: Growth and Development & Developing Professionals Grant. Grant applicants must be members in good standing over the last 12 months and have completed all outstanding grant reports to be eligible. For full details click HERE.