Brain Injury Research Opportunity

Topics: BCTRA

The GF Strong Rehabilitation Research Program is looking for participants for a study titled EMBARC – “Enabling Meaning after Brain Injury Through Acceptance and Resiliency Construction”.

We are recruiting individuals from organizations that deliver programs/services for people with brain injury. Through our research, we aim to explore the programs and services in BC available to individuals with brain injury and understand how these resources help to foster acceptance, resiliency and meaning in their lives. For further information, please find our information letter attached.

Participation in this study will involve:

Completing a 15-20 min. e-consent + background information online questionnaire

Attending a focus group session alongside 6-8 other participants, facilitated by members of our research team (options to attend in-person OR online over Zoom; session scheduled based on participant availability)

A $30 honorarium to thank you for your time

If you are interested in participating, please reply to this email ( We will then reach out to provide a link to our e-consent and questionnaire form, and to discuss your preferences for the focus group session.

Contact Information:

Rebecca Tsow, EMBARC Research Team

GF Strong Rehabilitation Research Program

The University of British Columbia | Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

4255 Laurel St. | Vancouver BC | V5Z 2G9 Canada
