Call for Board Nominations

Topics: BCTRA

The BCTRA Board Nominations Committee is seeking new members to join our BCTRA Board. We are looking for energic and passionate individuals who are interested in therapeutic riding, para-equestrian development, or equine-assisted therapies and activities. Ideally, we are seeking candidates who are both visionaries and executors across the province to help us connect, educate and network across the province.

Directors may spend approximately 5-8 hours a month in preparation for, and attendance at, virtual and in-person meeting meetings per month. Additional time may be required for director development, community events, and strategic planning sessions.

Nominations will be reviewed by a Board Nominating Committee who will complete interviews with all nominees as well as share the vision of BCTRA along with answering questions around time commitment, roles, and responsibilities.

Nominations open Sept.20th at 12 pm and will close Oct. 6th at 5 pm.

If you wish to nominate a fellow BCTRA member please follow the steps below:

  1. Nominate a BCTRA Member to the Board by filling in this form.
  2. The Nomination Committee will contact the nominee to set up an interview and go over questions and the Candidates’ Package.
  3. Members will vote on the list of candidates brought forward by the Nomination Committee at the next AGM (November 2021).

If you have further questions please do not hesitate to email us at