2024-25 Annual Grant Cycle Now Open

Topics: BCTRA

Exciting news! BCTRA’s annual granting cycle for Growth, Operations, and Equine Assisted Services Professional Development is now open to all Level A Members in good standing for at least 12 months.

Don’t miss out—submit your grant applications by December 13, 2024.

This year, we are thrilled to offer the following grant opportunities:

This year’s grant opportunities include:

1. Growth Grants – These grants support the development of new programs, upgrades to existing programs, and volunteer training and support.

2. Operational Grants – These are intended for program and facility support, expansion, location development, and equipment purchases. Funds can be used to build capacity or cover increased expenses to provide inclusive and safe experiences for participants.

3. Equine Assisted Services (EAS) Professional Development – This grant supports continuing education and training for professionals within the member organization. This includes obtaining CEU hours, advancing certification levels, and attending conferences or workshops.

If you are a Level A member who received funding in the 2023-24 cycle, please submit your Grant Report before applying for new funding.