Grants & Funding

BCTRA funding opportunities are based on fees from our membership and through the funds from The BCTRA Maggie Carpenter Trust that is administrated through The Vancouver Foundation. Funds are made available to our members annually to meet the following objectives:

  1. To promote Equine Assisted Services while partnering with horses in therapy, para- equestrian sport and therapeutic learning and wellness in British Columbia.
  2. To encourage regional co-operative development and communications.
  3. To provide a framework for those interested in the promotion, research, and development of therapeutic horse-related activities.
  4. To promote and plan workshops and other educational programs on a continuing basis

The 2023 Annual Granting Cycle opens November 1st and closes December 15th.

Annual Grants

Open Grants

Open Grants
Equipment FundingOpen to Level A & B members - Apply before the first Monday of the month.
Open Grants
BCTRA BursariesOpen to Level A & B members - Apply before the first Monday of the month.

Stay in Touch

Join BCTRA to get on our newsletter list for upcoming grant announcements. If you have any questions email our team >>