July Round Table – Progress Notes & Assessments

Topics: BCTRA

Our next Round Table is happening on Monday, July 19, 2021, at 8 pm. Progress Notes & Assessments

Join us with guest speakers Pippa Hodge, Lisa Mander, and Stella French who will show us how to create inspired and engaged participants and different approaches to progress notes.

How do you assess a potential new therapeutic rider for your program?

What and Why for Progress Notes? What are they? Why do them? What should you record?

To register and post questions for our presenters click HERE.

Presenter Profiles

Pippa Hodge, BSR, SCSP, MCPA, HPCS, and CanTRA Coach & Examiner 

Pippa is a Physiotherapist specializing in Pediatrics. She works as a consultant in the school district and infant development programs. She was instrumental in developing Valley Therapeutic Equestrian Association, where she treats adults and children using hippotherapy. She is an examiner for the Canadian Therapeutic Equestrian Association (CANTRA) and is a member of the CANTRA Medical Committee. She has been active in therapeutic riding since the early 1980s. Pippa has taught workshops in the UK, New Zealand, Australia, and in the USA, as well as most Provinces in Canada. Pippa is a founding member and board member of the American Hippotherapy Association and attended the Rommel Klinik, in Germany. In 1990 she produced a video “Analysis of Horse and Human Movement” which has sold internationally and won first prize for research in the1997, 2nd Festival du Fiolm Hanid Cheval in France.

Lisa Mander

Lisa Mander is an internationally trained and educated equestrian. She has been involved with horses for over 55 years and has had the pleasure of working with and taking training from many noted professionals. Having worked with many breeds, operated her own breeding program, and experienced several different riding styles, Lisa has coached elite-level riders to succeed in competitions across North America. She is a nationally licensed Equine Jumper and Hunter/Equitation Judge, Senior Provincial General Performance Judge, and an internationally trained Coach and also holds certifications in:

  • Equine Sciences Diploma,
  • BA Child and Youth Counselling
  • Educational Assistant Certificate,
  • Substance Use Counselling Certificate
  • International Riding Coach Certified,
  • Therapeutic Riding Instructor Certified.
  • Equine Growth and Learning Association (EAGALA) Certified Level11

Having worked for over ten years within the education system as an Educational Assistant and Youth Worker,  Lisa created Red Horse Equine Assisted Services Ltd, (an equine-facilitated therapy/counseling program)  in 2011 to provide programming for at-risk and First Nations youth. Later branching out to offer programming to certified mental health professionals who require therapeutic options for clients who are no longer experiencing personal growth in traditional formats.  Red Horse Services is also a provider of individualized corporate leadership and team development workshops that include equine-assisted sessions, as well as options for additional team-building activities. As an internationally certified riding instructor, Lisa offers coaching to mainstream and competitive riders and Equitation Science learning to individuals that are interested in supporting their equine partners in the most advanced and humane way possible.

Stella French

Stella is the head coach and the founder of Mainstream Equestrian and Manestream Vaulters. She is certified through the Equestrian Vaulting Association of BC (EVABC), as well as the Certified Horsemanship Association, Equine Canada, and the Canadian Therapeutic Riding Association.

Mark Your Calendars: Upcoming Round Tables

Monday, September 20, 2021, | Volunteers

What does a happy and engaged multidisciplinary team take?

Monday, November 15, 2021, | Setting your Arena Up for Success!

Games Exchange, Lesson Ideas, and more!