Meet Amanda List – BC Summer Games Para Equestrian

Topics: BCTRA

We would like to introduce to you Amanda List from Victoria, BC one of this year’s para-equestrian participants in the 2018 BC Summer Games in Cowichan, BC July 19-22. 

How long have you been riding?

I have been riding on and off since I was five years old.

How and where did you get involved?

I got started at Victoria Therapeutic Riding Association (VTRA) after I had my 5th birthday party at the barn it was run out of Oak Meadows.

Are you associated with one of our member centres?

I was associated with VRDA but am no longer riding with them.  Now I ride with Mainstream which is a BCTRA member.

What are you most looking forward to at the Summer Games?

I am looking forward to getting to compete somewhere other than Victoria and getting to meet other people who ride as well and maybe get some riding tips

Tell us about your horse:

My horse’s name is Queen she is a 23-year-old Belgian Clydesdale. One quirky thing she does at shows, pretty much all the time, she always has to take a poop right in the middle of my test!

Introduce us to your team:

On my team, I have my mom who always drives me to and from shows and riding lessons and helps me get on the horse. I have my dad who comes to lessons and shows when he can and helps me get on the horse. He also takes me to the gym to try and keep fit for riding. My sister takes me to the gym to keep in shape when my dad can’t. My coach Stella helps me with my riding and to get better with it and I have Kim to give me tips and to give me advice and tell me when I am doing a good job when I am down on myself. I also have all the other riders to give me tips and advice.


  • Amanda I am so proud of you and you have worked so hard to get to where you are now.. I wish you all the best and good luck with this competition I know you will do well .. giddy up my Amanda Oanda and go get em.. love Dad

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    Ken and Peggy List
    July 14, 2018 2:27 pm

    We have been with Amanda through all her riding years, her first horse died and she was so upset she didnt ride for some time, so when she started again we were delighted. It is so amazing for her to be able to feel what it is like to walk, the people have been so great to her and of course her parents have also done so much to help her, We are so proud and happy and will be there to cheer her on.

    • Thank you for your comments Ken and Peggy. It is indeed a tremendous accomplishment and we at BCTRA wish nothing but the best for Amanda. Thank you for sharing a little more about her story.