September Round Table – Engaging Volunteers

Topics: BCTRA

Our next Round Table is happening on Monday, September 20th, at 8 pm.

Join us for a discussion on engaging volunteers with representatives from five therapeutic riding centers across the province. We will be discussing how to find, train, and motivate your volunteers to create a happy and engaged multidisciplinary team. Our speakers include:

Karen Knight – Karen Knight Consulting and Board Director for Kamloops Therapeutic Riding Association

Jessica Game – Instructor, Victoria Therapeutic Riding Association

Bren Pickel – Program and Volunteer Coordinator, Cowichan Therapeutic Riding Association

Carla Robin – Volunteer Coordinator, Valley Therapeutic Riding Association

Michelle Whiteaway – Therapeutic Riding Program Director, CDSCL Therapeutic Riding Association

Unable to attend? All registrants will receive a link to the recorded presentation open for 30 days to review. Please allow 1-2 days for posting of recording. All members can access all roundtable recordings on our password-protected page.

To register and post questions for our presenters click HERE.

Mark Your Calendars: Upcoming Round Tables

Monday, November 15, 2021, | Setting your Arena Up for Success!

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