BC Summer Games Para-Equestrian Team

BCTRA is proud to recognize our BCTRA members for their appointment to the para-equestrian team for BC Summer Games 2022, under the direction of Stella French as Discipline Chair: Para for the games.

Avery Wilkinson
Leila Corntassel
Zachary Lahay
Claire Hendrix
Kelsie Highsted
Jamie Copeland
Chase Caron
Nathan Seifert
Marinka Van Hague

These nine riders have been training for working towards qualifying for the last 6 months in HCBC sanctioned events as outlined in the para-equestrian technical package. As a part of their requirements, each rider needs to be registered with the BC Therapeutic Riding Association as a part of their qualification.

The BC Summer Games is focused on youth between 12 years of age and a maximum of 30 years of age. The inclusion of para-equestrian events provides riders an opportunity to join their peers in participation. All athletes with a physical or intellectual impairment are welcome to compete. The athlete does not need to be classified.

Athletes must submit two scores from a minimum of two different sanctioned competitions in all three classes. EC 2018 National Dressage Para-Equestrian test scores of the same division that the competitor will enter at the Games must be used for athlete qualifying purposes during the qualification period. Scores from Para-Equestrian Canada video competitions may be used for qualifying providing they are achieved within the qualifying period.

We wish everybody the best in their endeavors and are honoured to be on this journey with you.

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