COVID-19 Challenges & Solutions

Topics: BCTRA

On August 24, 2020 seven BCTRA members, from across the province, gathered online to discuss the upheaval COVID-19 has had on their programs and their lives. No one was prepared for the impact of this pandemic.

The Challenges

Many of our Group Members had to cancel their spring and summer programs, summer camps and competitions leaving riders and volunteers disappointed. Our Individual Members lost out on para-equestrian opportunities at the local level and, with the cancellation of the BC Summer Games, they lost a chance at provincial recognition.

Everyone was affected by facilities that needed close to outside visitor and volunteers as they tried to keep up to provincial regulations. Riding centres had to lay off staff keeping only essential services for management and horse care. Coaches and practitioners had to maneuver their riders and clients to meet new circumstances.

The Solutions

COVID-19 presented a major challenge and as a result, our members pulled up their bootstraps, got creative, and charged ahead despite the obstacles. Here is a short list of the actions, innovations, and ideas that they used to keep on riding:

  • Protection was paramount as everyone committed to wearing and providing masks, face shields, gloves as well as hand sanitizers and lots of cleaning supplies.
  • Following guidelines and protocols from WorkSafe BC and ViaSport BC were high priorities for all members.
  • Facilities got their COVID makeover with signage, screening areas, sanitation stations, and installed new processes for dirty and clean tack.  In efforts to reduce surface contact, viewing areas were closed, and designated parking areas keep traffic down to a minimum.
  • Riders were limited to smaller groups or private and semi-private lessons.
  • Family bubbles were created to allow parents and children act as side walkers or leaders to minimize the use of volunteers.
  • Horses were ready to go as the rider arrived to ensure a fast and effective lesson.
  • New programs have been developed for front line workers, online courses and video competitions.

The Future Awaits

It’s clear to us that no matter what the future holds our members and their dedicated staff, volunteers, coaches and practitioners are ready for the challenge. BCTRA is also ready to help network, educate and connect across the province and across our pillars (therapeutic riding, para-equestrian and equine facilitated wellness).